April 23, 2024 – Marciac – Lacrabere – 26 kms – Gite Castaine
April 24, 2024 – Lacrabere – Morlaas – 29 kms – Hotel Bourgneuf
April 25, 2024 – Morlaas – Aubertin – 29 kms – Maison de Fleurie
After much hand wringing and back and forth with the pros and cons we have decided to leave the Voie d’Arles just before Orloron-Saint-Marie and head towards the coast. The weather is a little warmer now, but with that comes moisture and winds in the mountains. It’s been snowing on the Napoleon route and they had to evacuate a few people suffering from hypothermia last week.
The decision was made for me when I read last night about the additional dangers of cycling the very busy and narrow road on both sides of the Somport pass. To be safe I would have to take a bus all the way down to Jaca – missing three days of cycling.
It’s always hard to leave a particular Camino route. Other than the recent cold weather, we have loved the Arles. The towns and countryside are beautiful and we found the welcome for pilgrims genuinely caring and warm. It’s a tougher trail for walking than many routes and Gord has had some of his first blisters. With the cold weather he is also recognizing the utility of these “fabric leg coverings people call pants”.
Today we will spend a night on the Le Puy route at Navarrenx and from there connect the dots between accommodation until we reach the Atlantic coast in four or five days. We have not had a day off in a month and I’m ready for one soon.

We have a friend in Arthez de Bearn, which is close to where you are. And you are right to change routes, be safe and a bit warmer. Hopefully the sun and warmth will be all around you and Gord can go back to shorts.
Thank you Mary. Spring is coming and soon we will be complaining about the heat. Thanks for your support.
I well remember cycling from Pau, just to the east of where you are presently, to Col d’Aubisque about a couple of hours ahead of the Tour de France cyclists in late July, 2018. Les vaches Charolais on the hills were grazing above the cumulus cloud cover. And that was July. And you’re three months- a whole solstice segment earlier in the year. I can understand what Gord says about “these leg coverings they call pants…”, but just barely. Take care. Find a hearth to keep your hearts warm. Cheers, Hu
I’ll bet that was a fabulous ride, but you probably wouldn’t enjoy it today. I guess we didn’t do our research before setting off this year, as the conditions are really not that far from the norm. It’s just a minor disappointment as we will continue to Santiago by a different route. Thanks for your warm words.
I am sorry. Can imagine how hard it must have been. I keep my fingers crossed!
I’m not very good with changing plans, so the recent redirection of our Chemin is actually a learning experience for me. If I live to be 100 I may end up as a well rounded individual! Thanks for your empathy.
The weather was warmer and I was back in shorts today. I would hate to make a habit of wearing pants.