Our hotel is located right in central Taipei near the Taipei Main train station. Iโ€™m amazed at how quiet it is here. Like Japan, the cars and scooters are much quieter than their North American cousins. 

On the small roads and lanes life is relaxed and friendly. We watched with our mouths hanging open as a woman passed taking her large tortoise for a walk. 

Our first adventure was heading out to find a traditional Taiwanese breakfast at a recommended place. There was a queue of people waiting, indicating itโ€™s a tasty spot. We were waved into a small table and a Malaysian woman helped us order. Breakfast included a flaky burrito like sandwich with egg and pork , soy milk soup with green onions, and a steamed bun. Very yummy. 

We spent the day exploring temples and historic streets while snacking on noodles and soup. We even found egg tarts that were just as good as the ones in Portugal. 

In a park near the national museum we were treated to seeing two new herons: a Malaysian night heron and a black crowned night heron.

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