It was only 1 degree Celsius when we set off this morning. The first rest in the sun is important

A few days ago we made the left turn off the historical Via de la Plata onto the variant known as the Camino Sanabres.  As we move towards the mountains of Galicia, the natural environment is changing.  The forests are getting thicker, with more abundant wildlife.  Today, for the first time, we saw several herds of deer.  We also saw scores of rabbits in one area.  (Ruth has offered to explain to me why you see a lot of rabbits when you see a few.)  The traditional construction material of choice in the villages has changed from mud and straw to exposed rock with slate roofs.

We are currently in Puebla de Sanabria, the largest town we have seen for more than a week.  The historical district is built on a height of land above the Tera River, and includes a 13th century castle and church.  Many of the houses have been beautifully restored, and the town has made the official list of the most beautiful villages in Spain.  It has largely been given over to tourism, but in a pleasant, low-key way.

Well its a good thing this town is pretty because Ruth just tested positive for covid . We are staying here for a few days.

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