Leaving Montemarta

It’s raining cats dogs and elephants at the moment, and I’m stalling. Gord and Denys headed out about an hour ago and I’m hoping for a little break to start my ride. It’s always easier to start the ride when it’s not raining, even if it pours later. I’m not sure I will get that window but I will delay things for a bit. 

Today we are at the crossroads where pilgrims can decide to continue north on the Via de la Plata or turn west on the Camino Sanabres. We will take the second option which allows us to go all the way to Santiago without joining the busier Camino Frances. The Sanabres cuts around just north of the Portuguese border; we are very close to places we visited in Portugal in 2015. 

The flat land around Salamanca is being replaced by hills leading towards the mountains on the border of Galicia. Our walk/ride yesterday was mostly on farm tracks zigzagging across the countryside. It was one of our coldest days, with frost, but the sun was out and it was less windy than the day before, so we were quite comfortable.  

Yesterday, after we checked into our wonderful accommodation, Donde Victor Luna, Víctor offered to drive us to see the nearby ruins of a 12th century Cistercian Monastery to see it in the late-day light. The only inhabitants now are the storks and other birds who use the ruins as their home. 
No pictures from today. We were all heads down and pushing to get to our destination before hypothermia set in. Today’s high was only 7 degrees, with cold Canadian-style rain.  We are now settled into out hotel in Tábara, warm, dry and fed. 

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