Life is good living on Pico underneath the volcano at São Roque. We are staying at Adelina’s wonderful  house by the sea (Casa do mar). We stayed in her other two houses on our last trip here in February of 2019.  There is a garden  with ripe grapes, figs, and tomatoes, and we are just a short walk from beautiful swimming spots with clear water and excellent snorkeling. We end our days of exploring with a swim followed by dinner on the patio  and a bottle of local wine. We are three now and so our teetotaling dinners for two have been greatly improved with Vicki’s influence. 
While Gord was climbing up Pico, Vicki and I went to Madalena where I climbed over a pastry and coffee. Ah, nice to have another traveling companion for a bit. 
Today was another beautiful day so we decided to head up to the high ridge to see the wild land of cinder cones and cows. It’s so strange that on the one hand, I can cycle on tiny mountain roads without difficulty, but put me in a rental car on the same roads and I keep thinking we are going to drive off the edge and  into the abyss. The two intrepid siblings with guts of steel that I’m travelling with find my freak outs quite entertaining. 
Tomorrow we will be moving houses to return to our favourite of Adelina’s houses (Casa do Avó Faidoca) in the town of Calheta de Nesquim. 


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