Gordon: We cycled north from Lampang on Highway 1 today. Although it is an arterial, divided highway, it was actually a pleasant ride. Major highways in Thailand have paved shoulders that are so wide that motorcycles going a short distance will often use them against traffic rather than cross over to the correct side of the road. And Thais generally drive at a relaxed pace: most of the vehicles passing us were only going 70 to 80 km per hour.
We crossed a range of hills, climbing to a beautiful pass with a hill tribe market at around 550 metres. Nearby was an overhanging cliff with some prehistoric painting. Ruth stayed with our gear while I went up to have a look. Upon my return I told Ruth to “Keep an eye out for the four foot snake on the handrail about 300 metres along the trail.” Ruth opted to experience the rock art through my photos.
An couple of hours later we passed an insect theme park. Ruth thought that they might provide accommodation, so we turned in to inquire. Lodging was not available, but a young man with good English gave us an hour long tour of the collection. Almost all of the insects, spiders and scorpions on display are from Thailand. While we left the tent at home to minimize weight, Ruth now has several more good reasons to be glad that we will not be sleeping on the ground.