Gordon: We joined the Danube at Tuttlingen, where it is little more than a stream. I anticipate that the 60 kilometre ride from there to Sigmaringendorf, where we are staying tonight, is destined to be one of the most spectacular days on the Danube. The river wends its way through a karst landscape, with limestone cliffs and spires rising on every side. Above the white cliffs a number of castles are poised. We passed through a few small towns, but much of the day was spent in mature forests reminiscent of British Columbia. We were not fortunate enough to see the elusive European beaver (to which a park is devoted) but there was a rich bird life, including herons, storks and raptors.
The day was marred by the worst weather we have seen thus far. After a high of 30 degrees yesterday, it poured rain all night, with some showers during the day and temperatures in the teens.
As we were wet and dirty from our ride, it was comforting to know that we had our first hotelroom in four nights waiting for us at the end of the day. I called a large number of hotels, guest houses, and rooms last night without finding a vacancy. Even the Youth Hostel was 100% full. We finally found a place that asked only for an arm and a leg and an option on our firstborn child (we lied about our ages). I will be approaching the breakfast buffet tomorrow morning with a mission to recoup some of my investment.