July 6, 2015
The best way to get over jet lag is to have a wonderful place to explore. Yesterday we arrived at our hotel at around noon and then hit the streets of Lisbon to get our bearings. What a fabulous place. After a great meal in the market we walked all over town stopping for a nap and then up and out for a tram ride and another walk. Our first day ended with a fado concert in the square next door to our Guesthouse the Boho Cais do Sodre. So far everything  including our accommodation is exceeding our expectations,which were very high to begin with. 
After our second day of food, music and exploring, we have had a number of opportunities to try to communicate in Portuguese. Gord and I began learning Portuguese with  Duolingo almost a year ago.  I started my lessons with great enthusiasm but when I accidentally forgot to do a lesson on my thirtieth consecutive day, I lost my streak count and my motivation. Today is Gord’s 323rd consecutive day of study, and according to the Duolingo program he is 55% fluent. Translate that into down on the street communication and that means that whenever I want to say something in Portuguese I have a walking , but not talking, translator beside me. Yes, as in all languages,  I am the one who wants to flap my gums more than most, and especially more than Gord. In his words, “no one wants to talk to an aging troll.” My beloved has neglected to notice that I have aged too and as Shakespeare said, “my goods are not for all markets”.

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