Ruth/Gordon: Nothing breaks up an 80km ride through the mountains like elephants. We timed our ride so that we could see the elephants bathing and also take in the 10:00 show at the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre. This is a rescue centre for 120 elephants that were either misused in the tourist industry or lost their jobs when they quit logging in In the country. It is one of the more ethical places to encounter elephants in Thailand.
After the elephants bathed in a local river, a dozen of them trooped up to a performance area for a one hour show. As well as demonstrating some of their functions in logging, including moving, stacking and pulling logs, the elephants displayed more esoteric talents. Three of them painted pictures (which can be purchased for $15 to $30), several tossed balls into baskets, and a couple played elephant sized xylophones. It was a real treat to see these bizarre and compelling animals up close.