Matthew and Ruth
It’s Christmas time in Barcelona! Most of our trip has been chasing the early signs of fall as we moved south, but by the time we made it to Marrakech summer had arrived again.Two days ago I was putting on sunscreen and listening to the call to prayer. Now we are surrounded by parka wearing Spaniards doing their Christmas shopping. I think the parkas are more of a fashion statement than a necessity – it is sunny with highs of 16 degrees!

Gord and I have colds but we are still getting out to explore. This morning we walked around the Barrio Gotti and this afternoon,  Matthew headed off to the Meseu de l’erotica while Gord and I went to the Picasso Museum. Each to our own artistic interests.
The huge nativity scene here has a unique Barcelona addition. Each year somewhere in the city’s display lies a figure of a man taking a crap. I really don’t understand the symbolism but it is unusual enough to merit a mention. The Christmas market follows up this theme by selling a wide variety of famous figures taking a crap, including Michael Jackson and local politicians. I am taking orders right now. How about a Thriller for your crèche.

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