Arles-les Baux de Provence 20km
Hostellerie de la Reine Jeanne, les Baum de Provence

We are staying in les Baux de Provence a village just clinging to the limestone cliff side. It’s is well worthy of being on the list as one of the prettiest towns in France. Our hotel boasts that Winston Churchill stayed here when he came to town. It is also a town well known to many modern painters including Van Gogh and Cezanne. You can see how Cezanne’s style could have developed when you see the orange and golden light on the rocks and houses. Maybe cubism wasn’t such an amazing innovation after all.

Provence is much more touristy than other places we have been and this is low season! I can’t imagine what it’s like in August. We are also hearing more English spoken here and it’s difficult to speak French because they just switch into English right away. I guess I better hit the books again it I don’t want to lose the french I have.

Sent from my pea pod.

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