Saints-Maries-de-la-Mer to Arles 36km in a gale
Hotel Acacia
Is it wrong to love your husband more when he’s sick? I do, and I am ready to admit it. No really, it’s ok if we just stay put for a while sipping hot drinks, cuddling and watching the BBC. Gord has a man cold and I am just delighted- well maybe that’s a bit strong, but I am a little pleased. I have a cold too, but for once he is also is putting on the breaks and I am loving it. To celebrate my good fortune I went to the store to buy a bottle … of cough syrup and tylenol.
Ok I think we might have overdone it today. The forecast was for ninety kilometer winds and I think we saw at least fifty to sixty. It was mostly a cross wind, but it was a challenging ride. The locals don’t even acknowledge that it’s windy here but then, their houses are all facing away from the so called mistral winds and are tied down to the ground.
We are now Arles, a city made famous by Van Gogh even though not a single one of his paintings can be found here. We will however be visiting the hospital where he was incarcerated after his ear nipping altercation with Gauguin.